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What Our Happy Clients Say About Us 

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DeAnna M.C-Drever
“I am so happy with my new baby he is so sweet, thank you so much for a wonderful experience I am looking forward to a lifetime with my LuvBug”

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Shira Oden
“We got a Sun Conure for my daughter from Joe. Having a bird is new for us. I looked at some stuff online before deciding and we were expecting a loud bird that would take some time to train. Joe really is great with birds. This baby is almost 3 months old and so very sweet. She isn’t loud and was already trained to be handled and social. We have had her for five days and she is starting to say Mama. My daughter was saying that over and over and she started saying it. I think that we got an exceptional bird because of how great Joe is with his birds. I could tell he really cares about his birds. He gave me all the info I would need for the bird including the supplies, how to train, what to feed the bird and things to avoid, etc. I would highly recommend Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs and I will go back if we ever want to add another bird to our family in the future.”

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Kelsie Mathieu Haynes
“We got our green cheek conure from Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs in March of 2020. I grew up with birds in my parents’ home but have never had one of my own to actually handle, this is my husband’s first experience with a bird. I could not be more impressed with the quality and personality of this animal. She came to us spoiled, and we made sure to keep it that way. She is so loving and affectionate, and incredibly intelligent. It didn’t take her long AT ALL to warm up to us. All in all, I couldn’t imagine a better place to get a forever pet and couldn’t recommend any other aviary. Joe is exceptional in what he does.”

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Cargan Brown
“I purchased an incredible Rüppell’s parrot from Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs Aviary. Joe is extremely knowledgeable and will answer all your questions in a timely manner. My bird arrived in perfect health and is so sweet. She is well socialized and friendly to my entire family. She loves to hang out on me and is just pure joy! I am so grateful to have such a spectacular bird and highly recommend Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs. You won’t be disappointed with their professionalism and customer service.”

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Scott Lawanda
“I have had Sunny the Sun Conure for about a month now. I can safely say that Sunny doesn’t have an aggressive feather on his body. This guy is so sweet and playful. The Vet I took him to said he is a fine healthy bird and the breeder did a great job. My last Sun Conure lived with me for 30 years and I am looking forward to the same with Sunny. Thanks for a great bird. Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs is the best for birds

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Cathlin W. Gramza
“We got our 3-month-old Sun Conure from Joe at Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs. He is the sweetest, most cuddly, healthy bird. He has the best personality! He already knew how to step up when we got him! We could not have asked for a better addition to our family.
Working with Joe to get our Happy home was so easy and seamless. You can tell that all the staff and volunteers put a lot of love and time into caring for their birds. Joe has been so patient and understanding with us as we are nervously learning how to take care of our new baby. He has answered every question we have had. And there has been a lotI would highly recommend Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs. We are fans for life!
Thank you Joe and everyone at Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs for loving our Happy so well”

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Miranda Cross
“We are thrilled with our new arrival from Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs!! From our first conversation up until we picked her up from the airport, Joe was very professional and everything ran just as he said it would. Our little conure is so precious, we absolutely love her. It is obvious Joe has a passion for what he does, and for that we thank you”

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Kristin Gripp –Grants Pass, OR
“My baby green cheek conure is healthy (as stated by an avian vet), and super social. He has attached to me quickly and I couldn’t be happier with my new little baby. All of this is in thanks to the time and care Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs puts into each and everyone of their babies. Shipping was fast and convenient. I will hope to buy from them again in the future. Thank you so much for giving me the new love of my life.”

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Ashley Kocurek
“I found Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs online when looking for baby sun conures. I’m so glad I chose to buy from Joe! His babies are so sweet and social! You can tell they have been hand raised. He is so knowledgeable about birds. He can tell you everything you need to know about how to care for them. They even come with a health certificate from an exotic vet. His store has everything you need in one spot. He likes getting updates and pictures of his babies which tells me he really loves his babies. If I ever decide to buy another bird to add to the family I will definitely be buying from  Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs!”

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Dena Elblkasy
“Joe is such an Amazing guy , He has the sweetest birds ever, I bought a sun conure from him as I was a bit nervous about having a bird around my one year old, turned out this beautiful bird was the sweetest most loving bird ever. He warmed up to us pretty quick. We live in Arizona, the shipping was great to, not only that but joe Checks up on him every once in while and always has these helpful tips.
Definitely recommend this place if you want a great and sweet bird.”

Bibi Maddox
“So knowledgeable! We absolutely love our newest member – baby Sun conure!
Thanks Joe!


Satya Morales
“Joe is a very nice and knowledgeable person. I bought my healthy and super spoiled sun conure at his shop and I would do it all over again. This experience was awesome, he really takes care and loves all of the birds as if he is going to keep them forever. He explains everything in detail and follows up to see how our little baby girl is doing. If you are looking for healthy, cute, and tamed bird Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs is the place to go!!!!”

Helen Rivera
“ABSOLUTELY!!! I’ve been following Joe for A LONG TIME. The best experience ever. Quality! Thank you Joe!!!”

Johnna Bahruth
“My daughter’s baby landed at the airport late last night. Our 1st 24 hours….. in complete awe at this precious bird. She is the sweetest baby and loves to be around people. Our whole family already loves her!”


Coco Farmer
“Wow I cannot say enough about how amazing Joe and this fantastic aviary. He was very good about communication, also making sure I had what I needed to be able to properly take care of baby bird. I would recommend him to everybody and anybody.”


Brittney Barrera
“Over a year ago I had bought a Solomon island electus from Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs. She arrived safe and has been the sweetest bird. I decided to get a congo african grey from him. He came home over the weekend. He is harness trained by them and he loves his attention and has such a great personality. You can tell the love and time he puts into caring for his birds,he is very knowledgeable about all his birds.He keeps you updated with pictures and videos so you can watch your baby grow, any questions or concerns you have he answers immediately and takes his time to make sure he answered clearly. They also have the option for you to have them train your baby before it arrives home. If you are looking for a bird thats interacted with, handled daily and cared for like their own this is the place to go.”


Danielle De Garnica
“Their babies are VERY WELL SOCIALIZED! My birdie arrived in a nicely converted travel carrier complete with 2 custom perches, soft bedding and enough fresh food for her voyage. She’s the sweetest little girl!”


Lori B. –Hollywood, Florida
“Joe is extremely thorough and professional. He ensures that your babies are in top notch condition and are delivered to you in a timely manner. He even does a follow call to see how your babies are adjusting to their new home. Mango and Peaches are a joy to have around! Thank you Joe!
AB & Lori #theBarbers”

Arthur Barber –Miami, Florida
“We would like to thank Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs for our babies Sun Conures….. Joe you have been very professional doing the transition in getting our babies to us. We are so grateful for your advice and also calling to check up on Mango and Peaches…… If you are looking for a bird Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs is the place to go!!!! Blessing ♥️….”


Annamarie F –Jamestown, ND
“Last year around September we got scammed out of a baby Eclectus and 900$, we found Siva Kumar’s and were really hesitant but right away it felt so right.  Basil my ekkie is the sweetest, he’s a pro at stepping up and is harness trained!  He is SO socialized and I couldn’t ask for a better bird.  They were so helpful even though I texted incessantly, he always answered my questions.  They sent a ton of pictures and videos and made the whole thing feel personal!  Now that I’ve gotten a bird through them, if I ever want to add to my flock again (which I’m sure I will, we need bird rehab, people!) I will never go anywhere else to get another bird, NEVER! Could not ask for anything better!

Scott Ainsworth –Simpsonville, SC
“We came across SIVA KUMAR
S AVIARY after losing our first Macaw. We were hesitant about getting another bird, but knowing that Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs took all the necessary steps to have his birds vetted and tested for any possible disease made us feel better. Affable Birds and Fertile Eggs was great through the entire process of getting us all the information on what the birds were currently eating, setting up the flight from TX to Atlanta. Her travel crate was exceptionally build for the flight. During our vet check once we got “Izzy” home, the vet stated that she was in excellent health. Can’t thank Affable Birds and Fertile Eggsenough for helping us fill the void we had with an outstanding B&G Macaw.”

Emanuel Laureano  –Davenport, Florida
“I would like to thank SKA Aviary for giving me the opportunity to have Niko my B&G Macaw. Great customer service, and most important the highest quality of birds and products. Shipping process was very easy and convenient and of course well constructed shipping crate. I would definitely recommend SKAAviary to anyone who would like to add a bird companion to his family. Thanks!”

Jessica Gilmour –Dover, Indiana
“We recently received our baby Miligold Macaw from SK Aviary. I did lots of research on breeders and Joe by far had the best reviews and healthiest looking babies. Joe kept us updated as she grew. He was very kind and responsive to all questions and helped guide us in the best fit for our family. Our avian vet said she was extremely healthy and her breeder got her off to a wonderful start. We are so happy with our Nova! Thanks SK Aviary for our new lifelong companion! We highly recommend!”


Keyll Y. –Minnetonka, MN
“If you’re looking to get a parrot, do not look anywhere else! Joe has been nothing short of amazing and helpful. He clearly cares so much for his birds. He’s always quick to answer questions and checks in with you after your bird comes home. The fact that they offer shipping is amazing as well! My male Eclectus is so healthy and sweet. Best decision I’ve ever made. When the time is right I will be buying another bird from SK aviary. Thank you so much for your wonderful business!”

Jose Figueroa
“There’s nothing bad I can say. I wanted a tame loving bird and that’s exactly what I got. By the second day my sun conure Phoenix was playing with me none stop. The animals come in with confidence and is what you always want on a bird. Super happy with SK and I’m so ready for my next additions from you guys.”

Carey Smith
“Received my Ringo earlier this week. He arrived happy, healthy & alert and in perfect feather. Went right into his cage and explored all his new toys. We’ve only had him 3 days but he’s already part of the family! Joe was very helpful and sent a ton of information with him. Ringo is already harness trained and was well worth the extra money. You get what you pay for. Yes, SK Aviary is a little more expensive…. but they truly do socialize these babies and send them pre-spoiled and with training started. Highly recommend them and will always refer people to SK Aviary! I’d been watching their pages for almost a year. Kept thinking I could get a bird for cheaper elsewhere… and I could have. But none were the quality of Ringo and none were nearly as social or trained as him at such a young age.”


Cassandra Joy
“I have a Blue and Gold from SK aviary. He is the biggest baby and loves to cuddle. You can tell they are very hands on with them from the start. SK Aviary is so helpful and has always responded very fast with any and all questions I have had. I also love the fact they genuinely care about all of there babies and want to stay in touch and know how they are even after the sale. That shows a lot! I am so happy I decided to get my baby blue and gold from SK Aviary’s and would highly recommend them to anyone searching”

Carrie Gibbons –Orange, CA
“I recently purchased a gorgeous , sweet baby milligold macaw this is by far the best place to get a baby from not only is Joe the nicest guy you’ll ever wanna meet he truly puts his heart and soul into these babies it’s shows !! I can’t express how grateful I am I found sk aviary if I ever get another bird it will be from sk Aviary cause I know I’m getting a healthy happy bird from the start .. Thank you so much for my beautiful Jade”


Svjetlana Lana Djuric
“4 days ago I received my BH Caigue. Whole process was super easy and smooth. He was shipped to me to LaGuardia airport. Flipper(that’s his name) comes as super tame, funny, adorable and entertaining parrot. Loooove everything about him. I also love that they didn’t cut his wings. He loves to fly. To roll on his back and super comfortable with my hands. He is eating all his vegetables and fruits. Curious from day one and exploring his cage while playing with toys. I highly recommend S K aviary. If you have any doubts about shipping and taking risk this is place to go with. Joe is wonderful!!!Still checking on “his” mine now baby and making sure he is in best care possible. I am so happy I find you guys and thank you for raising such great babies.”


Victoria Chaparro –Long Beach, NY
“Almost 2 months ago I got the sweetest baby double yellow headed amazon. She is doing amazing with stepping up and is super sweet with me and my family. She loves her playtime and when I’m home she would play all day on top of her cage with her toys. She always surprises me on what she learns. She already knows how to say her name Rosie and hello and mommy. I would definitely recommend S K Aviary because you will get a well-tamed and sweet birdie.”


Anna Vu –San Antonio, TX
“I would like to thank Joe for always answering any questions we may have, and for raising the sweetest birds! We love our Jolie to bits!”


Tracy Garcia –Perkasie, PA
“I recently purchased a black head Caique from SK Aviary and couldn’t be more pleased with everything. Joe provided us with excellent health documentation on our bird. My Caique is super sweet and well socialized. If you’re looking for a Caique I highly recommend SK Aviary. Thank you so much!!!”


Betty Cooper-Magee
“I picked up my beautiful, perfect black capped Lory today. I was so happy. Joe is amazing. These birds are so well socialized when you pick them up. An exceptional breeder.”


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